Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rocky Figures Why Did Riff Raff Kill Colombia In Rocky Horror?

Why did Riff Raff kill colombia in Rocky horror? - rocky figures

I saw the photo of The Rocky Horror Picture Show more times than I can remember, and do not understand why the British had paid. This has been listening to me when I saw the movie.


alice said...

is interrupted when he tries to get Frank.

FUNdie said...

Well, that was his sister Magenta, and there Frankenfurt who offer their home planet to their relatives (Gitcheegumee) Transylvania, he probably thought there was no place for them to take.

"First they put a scream in the t * ts! (ZAP!)

kevin c said...

Rif raf was Allan Uncle Sear and Columbia, Frank wanted to stay where he enjoyed the power to continue

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