Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cheesy Quotes About Love I Need Some Cheesy Love Quotes.?

I need some cheesy love quotes.? - cheesy quotes about love

Can I corny love quotes?
please and thank you.

Alternatively, just love quotes. Thank you!


TØ×ïclüv... said...

Before falling in love
Make sure there is someone there for you

If the rose is the love represented,
Why then wither and die?

Love is a fire.
But if it warms the heart
Or you can burn your house
you never know.

No man is truly married until
includes all non-words to tell his wife.

My friend used to ask his mother
"How do I find the woman for me?"
and she replied:
"Do not worry about the search for the woman I need
- Focus more on the right man

True love is like a pair of socks
You gotta have two and the game have

Love is like a smile,
and it is not contagious.

Anyone can passionately
but it must be true lovers stupid.

Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing;
Confusion between the real and the ideal never go unpunished.

Love is like war:
Easy to start, but hard to stop.

Grillpar... said...

"They say that love is sometimes fly, sometimes works with a walk to another grave is in the third mirror, and finished fourth in a flame: it wounds one kills another: like lightning it begins and ends at the same time it makes the strong performance of the night, besieged, but in the morning, because there is no resisting force.
Miguel de Cervantes

ILikeChe... said...

Now, here, to tell you that I would like 2 have more right? "Is my favorite and get an answer ok

Please answer the Mines ...

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