Monday, January 4, 2010

Top Rated Hiking Shoes How Could Raising Taxes On The Top 1 To 2% Of Income Earners Be Good For An Economy?

How could raising taxes on the top 1 to 2% of income earners be good for an economy? - top rated hiking shoes

the current maximum is 35% ..... and under the assumption that the rate has gradually increased since 50 or 55% ... that 55% of a portion of the income of someone who over 7 million dollars per year. What are the positive impact of these increases on people earning over U.S. economy and how they contribute to the restoration of a healthy economy?


Brian L said...

People who have high wages and salaries (ie people) that actually for him, are the people who lead their companies. If you increase taxes, they will increase their own salaries to compensate for the loss of the house. To do this, either staff or to reduce the cost of their products. They are paid on the working class, the middle (usually the middle management level lost), or the increase in commodity prices. If accepted, the owner of low wages, then they would buy fewer things, which are often the big things like planes and yachts. Yachts and aircraft are produced by professionals and do not lose their jobs if demand falls. History has shown that if the taxes are increased reduced by the strong economy, and increase revenues and cash flow. There is a point of diminishing returns for the government, but that's why the former government has called on the top line to 1 / 3 of revenue. Even more important is the change in the allocation of governance. Pay at over 50% of the people more benefits than taxes, while expenditures are thrown out of the soundness of the procedures the windows. $ 750 billion rescue is to be one: even with a possible recovery. Now we are told that the deficit will be $ 1 trillion is "what the eye can see." The best economic stimulus package that could be done would be to all tax, corporate, personal and cut capital gains to 5%. The boom would burst the eardrum! Then again could be a system like the idea of a fair tax competition Neal Bortz. May God bless the United States and good luck, move!

Listen to JFK in the question - that sounds like a Republican to me! ...
We pay for the tax reduction moon shots!

Brian L said...

People who have high wages and salaries (ie people) that actually for him, are the people who lead their companies. If you increase taxes, they will increase their own salaries to compensate for the loss of the house. To do this, either staff or to reduce the cost of their products. They are paid on the working class, the middle (usually the middle management level lost), or the increase in commodity prices. If accepted, the owner of low wages, then they would buy fewer things, which are often the big things like planes and yachts. Yachts and aircraft are produced by professionals and do not lose their jobs if demand falls. History has shown that if the taxes are increased reduced by the strong economy, and increase revenues and cash flow. There is a point of diminishing returns for the government, but that's why the former government has called on the top line to 1 / 3 of revenue. Even more important is the change in the allocation of governance. Pay at over 50% of the people more benefits than taxes, while expenditures are thrown out of the soundness of the procedures the windows. $ 750 billion rescue is to be one: even with a possible recovery. Now we are told that the deficit will be $ 1 trillion is "what the eye can see." The best economic stimulus package that could be done would be to all tax, corporate, personal and cut capital gains to 5%. The boom would burst the eardrum! Then again could be a system like the idea of a fair tax competition Neal Bortz. May God bless the United States and good luck, move!

Listen to JFK in the question - that sounds like a Republican to me! ...
We pay for the tax reduction moon shots!

Teagan said...

I tried to explain this, but the poor level of education and still believe that the government is like Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give to the poor. The truth (for anyone who reads it) is as follows. The rich are entrepreneurs in America! If the introduction of the poor and middle class will be fired to compensate. The tax should be simplified to the point of 1040, is a form 1 / 2 page with 6 lines.

1.How can you earn? $ 50,000
2.Multiply this number by 15% *, 15
You 3.Enter that total here. $ 7,500
4. How much do you pay no taxes? - $ 6500
5.Subtract line 4 from line 3 and enter the total here. $ 1,000
6 If your total is negative, we owe you, if positive, you owe us.
Sign here

justagra... said...

At this point, you will not see a positive impact, only the reduction of the problems that we have, and we are experiencing.
The way employees of the higher revenues to pay much more.
And if you have more than $ 112,000 and not pay FICA, Social Security is. If you ensure that SS is on the years that we want to have to do to increase the income of $ 250,000, and is nicely browned. In fact, people with high incomes SS collect when they are old enough.

It is a huge sea of people in the higher income and wealth. Your not removed from the rich to give to people who do not work, for his part that the rules of the game doens't as a secretary, a tax of 33%, while his employer pays a rate of 18%.

kirk b said...

have a negative impact on the economy. The economy requires higher level of the individual to spend more money to restore a more dynamic economy. ) in the form of money for the rich (and people who buy things), and give money (welfare is actually a bad economy.

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